In most commercial facilities, space cooling and refrigeration take credit for more than 20 per cent of power bills. RAISE energy, the firm responsible for introducing Plug-n-play LED tubes, is now bringing a special solution for heating, refrigeration, and conditioning systems. Called as the Restore1030TM, it is the next generation version of Polarized Refrigerant Oil Additive HVAC optimizer that treats, cleans, and lubricates all kinds of internal components of such systems. A regularly scheduled usage offers energy savings up to 30% as compared to the untreated HVAC systems.
Every kind machine has works on some miraculous additive or some other liquid that can be used for improving the performance of machines along with HVAC systems. Clogging and friction can be understood to be major culprits of energy sucking that increases the overall power bill. It can be fixed easily and in the most cost-effective manner- by addition of some suitable lubricant. That can work well but the solutions has problems of its own. Firstly, it leads to oil fouling, a gradually growing layer of lubricant over the inner walls of evaporator coils and condenser that narrows down the path through which the liquid flows. Oil fouling can be equated with “bad cholesterol” that can easily lead to heart stroke and other health problems. Next, the oil buildup behaves like an insulator which brings down the heat transfer.
Previously, companies used to apply detergents and rash chemicals for cleaning purposes. However, most of the times it ends up doing more damage than maintenance. Another product from this line called Polarized Refrigerant Oil Additive promises better results than others. PROAs consists of a more polarized molecule that can bond with metal electrostatically leading to formation of a one-molecule-thick coating that can easily displace oil, dirt, and other contaminants. As per the Chief Technology Officer from RAISE, Tom Vanzeeland, “Most PROAs do not have any chemical or mechanical bonding taking place. They charge the surfactants so that they are attracted to the tubing. This is a can der Waals force bond. The charge on the particles is similar to magnetizing a piece of metal. It will attract other metal, but only for a period of time.” It was year 1955, when US Department of Energy favored usage of PROAs for improvement of efficiency of HVAC systems. The next generation of this solution is a highly effective one that can easily treat HVAC units that can range from any size.
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