After taking the above tutorial. You will become able to easily recognize your seven segment display if its common anode or common cathode. You will also become familiarize with the 7 segment display pin out.
Common Anode seven segment display interfaced with Arduino Uno
Two methods of displaying numbers on 7 segment display using arduino uno
- By manipulating individual pins of Arduino
- By manipulating whole GPIO port of Arduino
Method 1 – Manipulating whole GPIO port of Arduino for 7-segment display​
7 segment display with arduino uno – Circuit diagram
Arduino 7 segment display – Project code
For example to display 0 on seven segment we are writing 0x3F to PORTD. If we translate 0x3F to binary it becomes 00111111. According to 00111111 only led number ‘g‘ is off and the rest are on, making 0 on seven segment display. You can translate the other commands and check their logic they are perfectly making a number.
Method 2 – Manipulating individual pins of Arduino uno to display numbers on 7 segment display
Arduino 7 segment project circuit
- Pin 13 of arduino is connected to pin ‘a’ of 7 segment display.
- Pin 12 of arduino is connected to pin ‘b’ of 7 segment display.
- Pin 11 of arduino is connected to pin ‘c’ of 7 segment display.
- Pin 10 of arduino is connected to pin ‘d’ of 7 segment display.
- Pin 9 of arduino is connected to pin ‘e’ of 7 segment display.
- Pin 8 of arduino is connected to pin ‘f’ of 7 segment display.
- Pin 7 of arduino is connected to pin ‘g’ of 7 segment display.
Diy 7 segment display interfaced with arduino project circuit diagram is given below.
How 7 segment with arduino uno works?
You will be all cleared in one minute. If you are using common cathode than just reverse the logic replace LOW to HIGH and HIGH with LOW. Because in common cathode led lits when ever some +positive voltage is applied to any pin.
Future Work
This project is simple 7 segment interfacing with arduino project. In future you can interface multiple 7 segments with arduino and display real time on them. You can also use special seven segment display with unique pin outs for a dedicated purpose like displaying time, speed etc.
Check out some more projects on interfacing 7 segment display with other microcontrollers. All the project are open source and contains free circuit diagram and source code of the diy projects. You can modify source code according to your need.
Watch the project video here
Filed Under: Arduino Projects, Microcontroller Projects
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