The term ‘Process’ refers to the piece of code which is currently in execution. The fork () is a function which can be used in the C code to start a new process as a ‘Child process’. The process or the code which is in execution which makes a call to the function fork () is called the ‘Parent process’ and the new process created by the fork () is called a ‘Child process’. The ‘Parent process’ and the ‘Child process’ executes parallel (high speed processor makes it feel like parallel processing) and independently and thus achieves multi-tasking. The fork () most of the time uses the execve () function to create a new process as Child. In this project the Raspberrypi board is loaded with Ubuntu and is remotely accessed using VNC. The Raspberrypi board is also connected to the internet.
Executing a File using Execve On Raspberry Pi -(Part 14/38)
In an operating system, the user can write so many codes and made them executable and then run each of them as background processes to achieve multi-tasking. The another easy method to achieve the multitasking is using a Shell script in which all the commands to execute the codes as background process are scripted into, but it is not a proper method since the user can have little control over the processes which are initiated by the Shell script.The same thing can be done by executing a single C code in which the system () function opens up a new Shell and pass the commands to them. Since it may open up a new Shell for executing each and every process the better method is to use execve () function in the code which itself can execute a new process.