This DIY is for the educators and geography lovers, in us. Imagine how much simpler it would be, if we were to teach someone the movement of sun or shift in seasons, if the globe were to rotate on its own. If not that, I think, it would be cool to have a rotating earth globe on the shelf, by itself. Now you can fix it at home, with just a few basic components.
Here’s what you will need:
· A globe, of course
· A stepper motor and driver.
· An Arduino or Raspberry Pi
· An axle and wheel from your kids toy room
· A saw or a knife, drill and glue.
· A strong epoxy JB-Weld for quick setting.
You can get the list of places from where you can get these, in the main blog. There is a step by step instruction list too, which you can follow without faultering because of excellent illustrations. If you don’t know how the stepper motor works, you can watch a couple of videos. A little knowledge, harms no body!
The author has given the code, which you can load onto your Arduino or Raspberry Pi, to operate the motor. And you’re done. Getting the hardware right, might take you some time, if you’re new to drilling, but it’s totally worth it.
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