Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. recently came up with a WAN acceleration technology equipped with an ability to transfer large volumes of data between clouds with speeds scaling up to 40Gbps. It uses Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) as catalysts to complete the process. The measure of connectivity on Wide Area Networking lines between clouds is already ticking up from 1Gbps to 10 Gbps, however, this is not enough. The advent of new technologies like AI and IoT steps up the urgency of high-speed data transference. Clouds overwhelmed with too much data would tend to go unstable if it is not transferred to other clouds with at a higher pace. Till date, they were tackling the problem by reducing the volume of data with methods like deduplication and compression. But none of these methods can be endured in a longer run. The WAN lines with a speed of 10Gbps need to process very large volume of data and none of the present WAN acceleration technologies have given out fruitful results.
Fujitsu Laboratories is one of the first ones to come up with a completely new WAN acceleration technology that can act in real-time with speed exceeding 10Gbps. This is accomplished with the help of a committed computational unit that has been specialized for large variety of processes like compression processing, feature value calculation, and so forth. Fujitsu Laboratories confirms that under an ideal testing environment, where servers make use of FPGAs and are connected with 10 Gbps lines, this technology was able to reach up to a speed of 40Gbps – highest speed figure to be achieved by any system. This technique enables servers to transfer high volume data from one cloud to another in most efficient manner. It is perfect to be used for backup and data sharing paving a way for next-generation cloud services that will need and use larger volumes of data across multitude of locations and companies. The firm plans to deploy this technology in form of an app installed on a FPGA-loaded server. The tests are still being carried out in practical environments and if everything goes well you will see this in markets by beginning of fiscal year 2018. Its details will be announced in the 2017 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology slated to held in Melbourne, Australia between 11-13 December 2017.
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