Obstacle avoidance is one of the most important aspects of mobile robotics. Without it robot movement would be very restrictive and fragile. Obstacle Avoiding is a task which is used for detecting the objects placed in the path of your robot or any vehicle. So, to protect robot from any physical damages.An obstacle avoiding robot is an intelligent device, which can automatically sense and overcome obstacles on its path. It is developed without micro-controller in order to eliminate critical circuits, difficult programming etc. All you want to do is to just understand the circuit diagram and start doing this robot. This simple technique can be incorporated in wheeled robots to keep them away from damages and accidents Obstacle Avoidance is a robotic discipline with the objective of moving vehicles on the basis of the sensorial information.
Obstacle Avoiding Robot
This circuit describe a simple obstacle avoiding robot which a you can easily make in your homes because it does not contains any complex digital circuitry and this can be made without using any microcontroller. This is an intelligent robot which will automatically detect the presence of obstacle in its path and change the direction of motion accordingly.