PC temperature controller will give an alarm when your PC overheats. This will prevent the damage of expensive components. Today’s computer have inbuilt fan and also consume less power because of use of LSI and VLSI technology. But sometimes it happen fan stop cooling due to any reason and unable to dissipate heat. We do not come to know this and the microprocessor or motherboard inside the PC get over heated or damage. This in turn led to failure of devices or your PC. So solve this problem you can use this simple circuit which will give you alarm when your PC over heat. You can also install this small unit inside your PC. This circuit is based on three IC namely CA3130, E555 and LM35 which work as a sensor to detect the amount of heat present with few more components.
Water Bath Temperature Controller
This project aims at developing an automated water temperature control system. This eliminates the human attention of controlling heater and fan. In this project, LM35 will sense the temperature of water in the container and will give output to the ADC in pin Vin. ADC will convert output of LM35 in to binary form. Then it is given to the microcontroller through port 0.Microcontroller will display the measured value from the LCD. Now controller will compare the measured value & the set point. Depending on error controller will generate the pwm to control the current flowing through the heater.PWM output signal trigger the opt isolator MOC3021 at specific time and that trigger Triac BT136. Now, when triac got triggered it allows flow of current through heater for specific period of time. Hence flow of current through heater controlled. Read more to find out how the project circuit is and how it works.