This project explains how to interface the SD card with an AVR microcontroller. In this project an ATMEGA16 microcontroller is used. The microcontroller runs on 5V power supply with a built in crystal frequency of 8 MHz. A 2GB SDSC card from Transcend is used in this particular project, but the code will work with most of the SD cards. The SD card is formatted with FAT32. The ultimate aim of this project is to read a file from the FAT32 file system of the SD card.The SD card has been formatted as FAT32 before interfacing. The generalized code for the FAT32 is written to interface the SD card. Explanations of the FAT32 file system and how to access files from these file system is explained in this project.This project explains the SD card interfacing with an AVR microcontroller and circuit working in detail. Read more to find out how this project works and do it yourself!!!
Interfacing SD card with AVR MCU
This project explains how to interface the SD card with an AVR microcontroller. In this project an ATMEGA16 microcontroller is used. The microcontroller runs on 5V power supply with a built in crystal frequency of 8 MHz. A 2GB SDSC card from Transcend is used in this particular project, but the code will work with most of the SD cards. The SD card is formatted with FAT32. The ultimate aim of this project is to read a file from the FAT32 file system of the SD card.The SD card has been formatted as FAT32 before interfacing. The generalized code for the FAT32 is written to interface the SD card. Explanations of the FAT32 file system and how to access files from these file system is explained in this project.This tutorial explains the SD interfacing with an AVR card working in detail. Read more to find out how this project works and do it yourself!!!