Existing System:
In traditional method the abnormality in any of the parameters are transmitted through wireless communication to intimate the status to monitoring section without giving any voice alert to the workers inside the mine. Hence we go for the proposed system.
Circuit Working
Fig. 1: Flow Chart of Zigbee based Transmitter Device for Mine Workers
Fig. 2: Flow Chart of Zigbee based Receiver Device for Mine Workers
Hardware Design
Fig. 3: Block Diagram of Zigbee based Transmitter Device for Mine Workers
The controlling device of the whole system is a micro controller. Whenever there is a change in analog parameters like temperature sensor and smoke sensor it’s converted into digital data which is given to the microcontroller. The given data is accordingly displayed on LCD and converted into voice by using text to voice converter and intimated through voice in speakers inside mines.
Fig. 4: Block Diagram of Zigbee based Receiver Device for Mine Workers
At that time LCD data is updated in PC through serial communication. Whenever the information passes through pc to mines a zigbee module is used and it is monitored by using wireless camera. The micro controllers used in the project are programmed using embedded C language. The data such as temp high, smoke high, normal situation, etc, are connected to the port0. At that time LCD data is converted into voice through APR9600 and connected to the speakers.
Alerting System
Fig. 5: Prototype of Zigbee based Emergency Alert System for Mine Workers
The information can be updated in pc by using zigbee module. It is connected by using MAX232, and the message is displayed on pc. If temperature goes high, the buzzer is switched ON, otherwise the condition is normal. When we send the message inside mines through pc, it can be displayed on the LCD and intimated through voice.
Result & Conclusion
The project “ZIGBEE BASED ALERTING SYSTEM FOR MINE WORERS” was designed and Implemented using a hardware kit. The status of the kit was updated through a computer wirelessly using zigbee and the outputs can also be updated by PC through the hyper terminal inside mines.
Fig. 6: Image of Zigbee based Emergency Alert System for Mine Workers in action
Fig. 7: Image showing Low Temperature Alert on Receiver Device of Mines Emergency System
Fig. 8: Image showing High Temperature Alert on Receiver Device of Mines Emergency System
Fig. 9: Image showing High Smoke Alert on Receiver Device of Mines Emergency System
Fig. 10: Image of Terminal Application on Windows showing connection with the Receiver Device of Mines Emergency System
Project Source Code
#include <REGX51.H>
sbit temp=P1^0;
sbit smoke=P1^1;
sbit voice1=P1^2;
sbit voice2=P1^3;
sbit voice3=P1^4;
sbit voice4=P1^5;
void serial()
void serial_string(unsigned char ch[])
int i;