Arduino can control the servo motor very accurately because of it has built in 8 bit PWM generator and servo motor library functions. It can rotate servo motor to desire angle very accurately as well as by reading servo motor feed back, it can read exactly the current angle of servo motor. Similarly it is very easy to interface UltraSonic Distance measurement (UDM) sensor with arduino. By connecting UDM with arduino, we can easily detect any object and get its distance.This radar uses UDM sensor that is continuously rotated from 0o to 180 o and 180 o to 0 o using servo motor.
Automatic Missile Launcher with UDM RADAR
As the name suggests, this is a demonstration of one military application in which the system automatically launches missile when any object is detected and it comes within the range. In actual system there is micro wave RADAR that detects any object and immediately fires missile to shoot the target. Here in given system it uses ultrasonic sensor to detect any object. The sensor scans complete 360o circle by rotating continuously and when it detects any object that is within 2 feet (60 cm) range, it launches the missile. It is build using AT89C51 micro controller. It also uses LCD to display a different message as well as the distance of an object.
How to design, simulate, and verify all digital gates in Verilog
In previous Verilog tutorials (especially Tutorial 3), we learned how to design, simulate, and verify digital circuits using Altera’s MAX+II VHDL/Verilog simulator software. (If you haven’t been following this series sequentially, be sure to review the previous tutorials before proceeding.) In this tutorial, we’ll: Write a Verilog program to build various digital logic gates. Simulate…
How to compile, simulate, and verify a Verilog program using MAX+II
In the previous two tutorials, we covered the basics of Verilog and explored several example programs using different modeling styles. In this tutorial, we will focus on how to simulate and verify Verilog programs. To edit, compile, execute (simulate), or verify a Verilog program, you will need a software tool like Xilinx’s ISE, Mentor Graphics’…
What are the fundamentals of Verilog programs?
In the previous tutorial, we covered the fundamentals of Verilog, VLSI design flow, and various Verilog modeling styles, including modules and data types. Now, it’s time to dive into the Verilog programming. In this tutorial, we’ll present basic Verilog programs for popular digital circuits. Before we begin, it’s worth reviewing the prerequisites for Verilog programming,…
How to design a lab power supply at home
The voltage requirements for different circuits vary much like microcontroller-based circuits require 5 V, motor controller or relay driver circuit requires 12 V, and other digital circuits require 3.3 V. If a circuit fails to receive its rated voltage and current, it will not work properly. So, it often makes sense to use a variable…
What is Verilog, its features, and design flow?
Verilog is a hardware description language (HDL) first standardized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 1995. It plays an essential role in electronic design automation (EDA) tools for designing and documenting digital systems. Verilog is extensively used in the design and verification of digital circuits at various abstraction levels, from the…
How to use a wireless joystick to remotely control two servo motors
A dc servo motor provides precise motion control, enabling accurate positioning and speed regulation in various applications. It consists of a rotary or linear actuator, which allows for such precise control of angular or linear position, velocity, and acceleration. It’s used in several sectors, including: Robotics Industrial automation Angular load positioning Avionics Automobiles A few…
How to design a wireless joystick dc motor controller using ATtiny85 and Arduino
In this project, we’ll design a wireless joystick dc motor controller using ATtiny85 and Arduino. It will offer a long range, operating up to 1 km. (You can learn how to control the joystick’s motor speed and direction using Arduino in this article.) Wireless joystick controls for dc motors are used in many industrial, domestic,…
How to design pick-and-place robot using Arduino
In this project, we’ll design an omnidirectional, moving pick-and-place robot. First, let’s cover how the robot is built. The robot’s build As shown in Figure 1, the robot consists of two sections: An omnidirectional moving platform A robotic arm The omnidirectional platform The robot is built using one circular wooden plate, three dc gear motors,…
Sensor value (data) display on TFT LCD using Arduino – Part III
Contactless body temperature measurement using MLX90614 sensor In the previous two articles of this tutorial series, I demonstrated how to display analog sensor data (like POT, LM35, soil moisture sensor, etc.) or smart digital sensor (DHT11) data on TFT LCD. In this third article, I will explain how to display body temperature on TFT LCD. It…
Sensor value display on TFT LCD using Arduino: Part I
Displaying potentiometer value and temperature using LM35 In my previous tutorial series on displaying sensor data (value) on OLED display, I have explained how to display values of different sensors like a potentiometer, LM35, soil moisture sensor, DHT, HC SR04, etc. on a tiny 1” OLED display. This time, I will demonstrate and explain how…
How to design a DC-to-DC buck converter
Most appliances require 5Vs for operation. In this experiment, we’ll design a DC-to-DC buck converter that provides 5Vs of the regulated output. We’ll use an Adjustable AP65111AWU-7 switch-mode IC for the DC voltage conversion and analyze its performance. Specification of the IC: A step-down 12V DC to 0.8V to 6V DC An output current of…
VHDL Tutorial – 5: Design, simulate and verify NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR gates using AND-OR-NOT gates in VHDL
In the previous VHDL tutorial 4, we designed and simulated all seven logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR) in VHDL. (If you are not following this VHDL tutorial series one by one, please go through all previous tutorials of these series before going ahead in this tutorial) In this tutorial, We…
VHDL Tutorial 6: Design and verify De Morgan’s Theorem using VHDL
In previous tutorial VHDL tutorial 5, we built NAND, NOR, XOR, and XNOR gates using AND-OR-NOT gates in VHDL. (If you are not following this VHDL tutorial series one by one, please go through all previous tutorials of these series before going ahead in this tutorial) In this tutorial, We shall write a VHDL program…
VHDL Tutorial – 7 NAND gate as universal gate using VHDL
In previous tutorials VHDL tutorial (#6), we built a circuit for D Morgan’s Theorems in VHDL and verified its output to prove D Morgan’s theorems. (If you are not following this VHDL tutorial series one by one, you are requested to go through all previous tutorials of these series before going ahead in this tutorial)…
VHDL Tutorial – 8: NOR gate as a universal gate
Note: it’s recommended to follow this VHDL tutorial series in order, starting with the first tutorial. In the previous tutorial, VHDL Tutorial – 7, we learned how to build different gates (such as AND, OR, NOR, NOT, etc.) by using the NAND gate in VHDL — proving that the NAND gate is universal. In this…
VHDL Tutorial – 9: Digital circuit design with a given Boolean equation
Note: it’s recommended to follow this VHDL tutorial series in order, starting with the first tutorial. In previous tutorials VHDL tutorial – 8, we learned how to build different gates (such as AND, OR, NOR, NOT, etc.) by only using the NOR gate in VHDL. We were able to successfully prove that he NOR gate is…
VHDL Tutorial – 10: Designing half and full-adder circuits
Note: it’s recommended to follow this VHDL tutorial series in order, starting with the first tutorial. In the previous tutorial VHDL Tutorial – 9, we learned how to build digital circuits from given Boolean equations. In this tutorial, we will: Write a VHDL program to build half and full-adder circuits. Verify the output waveform of the…
How to design an automatic streetlight system using Arduino
In this project, we’ll design an automatic, energy-efficient streetlight system using Arduino. A streetlight will automatically turn on when the outside ambient light falls below a certain threshold, as evening turns to night. They turn off when sufficient light returns in the morning to conserve energy. So, these streetlights only power on when needed. The…